---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 17:37:09 -0600 From: Stephan Richter Reply-To: SRichter@ixl.com To: webmaster@kde.org Subject: KOffice objects To whom it may concern: I just started learning Qt/KDE programming, and I would like to develop a "little" application to draw organic compounds. These compounds can be saved or exported. Part of the idea is, to implement them into KOffice. (I think it would be cool to just add an organic compound to a kword document. Since I am a chemistry major, I am really interested in such a feature.) Here my question: How does your object model work? What do I have to know? Do you have a general KDocumentObject? "Mit vielen Gruessen nach Deutschland", stephan -- Stephan Richter CBU - student, sys admin; iXL - programmer