Reginald Stadlbauer wrote: > > Hi! > I just wanted to let all of you know, that I finished proting Corba and KOffice > to Qt 2.0. This means everything compiles, links and runs now with Qt 2.0 and > the kde HEAD branch. BUTTH lots of stuff will be broken and not working. So now > we can start fixing stuff :-)) > > The biggest known problem is that the focus handling is currently even worse > than it was with Qt 1.4. But Matthias and Torben already promised me, that they > will work on that in the next days. > > Also I noticed that embedding works with some parts and crashes with other parts > and so on. But I think this has todo with some broken things in some parts. > > Also you have to know, that all Qt signals which had a const char* as parameter > have a const QString & now. So you will have to fix lots of SIGNAL/SLOT stuff... > > Ciao, Reggie (who enjoys fixing KWord and KPresenter after pprting KOffice/Corba > for three days :-) Hi, because I'm the father of a sweet little boy since 2 weeks now, I have no time to upgrade my system and to fix the KIllustrator stuff for Qt 2.0. But I will continue the work in 2 or 3 weeks ... Ciao, Kai -- Kai-Uwe Sattler E-Mail:, Homepage: