I'm sure this is just because of some misconfiguration, but I just can't get the koffice work. I've compiled everything just like the FAQ says, but when I try to run eg. kimage, it says: Creating menubar Creating toolbar CREATING 0 Adding a new style one for id=0 Adding a new style one for id=2 *1) VIEW void KOMBase::refcnt() = 1 Registering part 1 Registering menu as 1 OPOMenu: register 1 OPOTool: register 1 Swallowing CLEARING 0 void OPMenu::cleanUp() void OPMenu::cleanUp() CLEARING 0 Remove Transient bars Removed Transient bars CLEARING 0 CREATING 1 Adding a new style one for id=0 Adding a new style one for id=0 Adding a new style one for id=3 CREATING TOOLBAR1 bool KImageView::mappingCreateToolbar( OpenPartsUI::ToolBarFactory_ptr _factory ) CREATING STATUSBAR1 ERROR: void OPStatusBarManager::create( OpenParts::Id id ) Unknown id 1 *2) VIEW void KOMBase::refcnt() = 19 And I get an almost empty window with Help menu and a couple of buttons. open/print dialogs work but clicking new creates two more totally empty windows. This happens with all koffice parts and I've tried compiling everything from start two times now, first time a month ago and next a week ago. Could it matter that corba/kpython/demo examples don't work, except tut1-tut4? My python is installed from .deb package, it didn't work with 1.5-1 and just recompiled with 1.5.1-7 (latest) and still it didn't work.. Things in tutorial directory worked (I think, didn't crash anyway...).