Hi, When trying to embedd something in koshell I get this: (for example with KSpread) Incarnating .... Incarnating KSpread with id IDL:KSpread/DocumentFactory:1.0 creating īKSpreadī ... invocation(115) aborted *** server exited abnormally or could not be run: name: Trader command: /opt/kde/bin/kotrader.bin uncaught MICO exception: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0 (0, not-completed) /opt/kde/bin/koshell: line 1: 176 IOT trap/Abort koshell.bin hm.... (embedding in all the other apps works fine) any hints? Ciao Simon -- Simon Hausmann - Tronical^Colorfast - - IRCNet #colorfast Life's not fair. But the root password helps. :-)