
As part of my MS research at UMBC (www.is.umbc.edu) I am performing source code analysis of KOffice projects.

I will really appreciate someone answering the following questions about the KOffice project.
  1. In the KOffice bug tracking system (https://bugs.kde.org/) what are the exact meaning of categories (e.g new, assigned, etc.) under Bug Resolution?
  2. Similarly what are the exact meaning of categories (e.g. upstream, moved, etc.) under Bug Status (https://bugs.kde.org/)? I could not locate some terms under the default Bugzilla software system.
  3. Did KDE maintain a CVS repository for KOffice projects before. If so where can I get the repository address (Currently I can only see the SVN repository for the KOffice projects in the KDE website at http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/koffice/)? I need this information because I am not able to get old versions of kexi, kivio and kformula projects' source code in the current SVN.
  4. Is projects kugar and koshell not developed anymore (http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Sources/Using_Subversion_with_KDE#The_top-level_directory_.2Ftrunk)?
  5. Where are the bug tracking systems for projects kounavail and kdgantt (http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/koffice/) located?
If this mailing list is not the right place for these questions, can you please let me know where (or to whom) I should be asking these questions.

Thank you for your time.
