I have recently installed linux onto a tablet PC, and am interested in a full-featured 'one note'-like program for KDE. I really would rather that one already exists, but if not, I can try to start writing one if I could get some info on how. I am a beginning CSCI student, but have not worked in either a large-scale program or FLOSS software, and am not very confident in my ability to write/collaborate on FLOSS software right now.   What I want to have is something like a mix between one note (sections (gournal also, but it's just awful)) and xournal, but based on the qt libs. I also wouldn't mind having a program that could be integrated into an office suite (koffice) that could handle handwritting recognition.   I, again, am willing to try to write a program for koffice, but am not very confident in my ability to work on FLOSS software, but since such a program will likely have to be written, I would like to learn how to write it. I am also intereted in knowing if some kind of text book exists for koffice, and if not, how could I write one that is usable to everyone, and seeing that I come from 3 different 'computer literacy' classes on how to use M$ office, and the koffice ui seems almost completely foreign to me. ____________________________________ koffice mailing list koffice@kde.org To unsubscribe please visit: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice