On Saturday 24 July 2004 00:41, Jan Vencken wrote: > Hy, > > I have some trouble importing .doc files with the built in filter of > koffice. When I open a Word document, Koffice gives an error stating that > it wasn't capable of importing the document. > Also, when I start it from the console, it states an error there:" Error > creating filters" or something :s > I don' know if it is a bug or I did something wrong in the installation. I > reinstalled Koffice once, but the error remained. > > I searched the web on this issue and found nothing on it. Could you help me > out on this? Could you please elaborate on your setup? Which KOffice version are you using? Are you using wv2? Which version? Did you compile all of that yourself or did you get some RPMs/DEBs/...? If you got some packages: From where did you get them? Version? Ciao, Werner ____________________________________ koffice mailing list koffice@mail.kde.org To unsubscribe please visit: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice