Hello, as announced here, last saturday I presented the RULE project in my signature to a Linux lab in Tuscany (www.linuxatwork.info/lidap/). Since I couldn't install KOffice 1.3 on any box available, only KOffice 1.2, I had asked if anybody could convert this: http://www.rule-project.org/download/rule_asparis_2003_ICT.sxi to a KOffice 1.2 useable format, put it online somewhere and let me know the URL. David Faure and Percy Leonhardt were so kind to do it, and thanks to them everything went well. I wrote an updated version of that RULE slide show in italian with KOffice 1.2. I had also installed RH9 with slinky 0.3.96, and KOffice 1.2, on my laptop (133 MHz Pentium, 32 MB of RAM, 700 MB available disk space). Saturday I gave my talk without problems with KPresenter on that laptop! Thanks again for your help! I'll post snapshots of that machine later on the RULE web site. Please let me know if you have any questions. Ciao, Marco Fioretti -- Marco Fioretti m.fioretti, at the server inwind.it Red Hat for low memory http://www.rule-project.org/en/ Technology is legislation -- C. Einfeldt on OO.o discuss list ____________________________________ koffice mailing list koffice@mail.kde.org To unsubscribe please visit: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice