Hello Ben, On Monday 26 May 2003 21:11, Ben Lamb wrote: > Hi, > > I've been looking at the KOffice apps and where IMHO the UI could be > improved. There are some minor areas where it is ever so slightly > inconsistent between apps which I'd like to fix. Every help is welcome. > For example: Vivio lets you adjust the size of the tab bar Vs the > horizontal scrollbar, KSpread doesn't. > > I'm trying to fix this myself by creating a QSplitter and adding the > KSpreadTabBar to it. These are created in the KSpreadView constructor in > kspread_view.cc. However, I cannot discover where these objects are > added to the parent container, please could someone give me a pointer? I don't know what you mean with "added to the parent container". Just describe a bit more what you need to do and then I'm certainly willing to help. Maybe you find what you search for in KSpreadView::refreshView(), where the geometry is set and the widget is shown. > Second thing I want to fix: > Undo/redo drop-down menus on the toolbar and a descriptive undo/redo > option on the menu. This has recently been added to KWord, is anyone > working on adding it to KSpread. If not, does anyone mind if I have a go? > > I've looked at the KWord code and see there is some shared KOffice UI > code in kocommandhistory.cc that I can use. In KSpread we don't use the kocommandhistory class yet, we use our own implementation with the class KSpreadUndo. But this is rather a historic reason. So if you like to port it over to KoCommandHistory just go ahead. > Item 3: Both Kivio and KSpread have a tabbar with similiar code, is this > something that could go into KOffice UI? I don't know. Maybe yes. OTOH there will be a new class in QT/KDE 3.2 for tab drawing. So when we will support kdelibs 3.2, then it may make more sence to use the new available support. But I haven't looked into the new tab code of QT and don't know if it can be used. I would be good if you subscribe to the koffice-devel mailing list, as this is the list to discuss developing issues. I hope you know that we are near to the feature and string freeze. If you need any further help, just let me/us know. Philipp ____________________________________ koffice mailing list koffice@mail.kde.org To unsubscribe please visit: http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice