> Ariya already wrote a PalmDoc import/export filter... (see koffice/filters/kword/palmdoc) > but I think it's a different format than plucker? (*) > (*) grepping status.html says: support for other document format (Plucker?) Yeah, it is a totally different format. And about the support for Plucker, it was what I have planned months ago. But some changes happened in my life somehow and I need to adjust a little (hint: I'm already in Europe now). Until I can get start it again, feel free to beat me... :: ariya :: ______________________________________________________________________________ UNICEF bittet um Spenden fur die Kinder im Irak! Hier online an UNICEF spenden: https://spenden.web.de/unicef/special/?mc=021101 ____________________________________ koffice mailing list koffice@mail.kde.org To unsubscribe please visit: http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice