The pamphlet filter that several people requested on this list can be obtained with a single call to pstops. If your original text is in, enter: cat | pstops '4:-3L@.7(21cm,0)+0L@.7(21cm,14.85cm),1L@.7(21cm,0)+-2L@.7(21cm,14.85cm)' > and find your pamphlet in The numbers in this example work for A4 paper. For US letter paper it is somewhat more difficult to do the rescaling trick, because US letter paper doesn't obey a nice height to width scaling relationship (when you cut A4 paper in half, the height to width ratio remains unchanged, whereas when you do the same with letter paper, the height to width ratio changes). I use for letter paper 8in instead of 21cm and 5in instead of 14.85cm, but these values may not work optimally for pamphlet printing. Claus ____________________________________ koffice mailing list To unsubscribe please visit: