Dear all - my teachers,
  I tried to override the XftDrawString8() in Redhat 7.3 and I think I have a success. The HelloX.c which use XftDrawString8() to display a string have been modified (change into my own string) . But I also have some problems. And the biggest is " I can not override any string that I want in the  whole system ". I want to ask some question - VERY IMPORTANT and URGENT to me
1. What exactly Redhat 7.3 (XFree86 4.2, KDE 3.0, QT 3) functions use to display a string in the screen ?
  I know that Xft have 4 functions : XftDrawString8(), XftDrawString16(), XftDrawString32(), XftDrawStringUft8() to display a string.
And if the system uses Xft , it will call these functions. I tried to override all 4 functions . Compile OK but it can not work in my system. Maybe because of my poor programming skill in C or I must tried some Xlib functions
2. According to Xft document, it uses Unicode encoding for input string in Xft displaying functions, But it doesn't tell exactly what encoding ? : Uft8, Xchar2b, UCS2, UCS4 ( 16 or 32 bits )
3. C uses "wchar_t" for Unicode characters ? How to use it ? Can you send me some examples about using wchar_t functions ( wcscpy(),  wcscmp()....) . I have POOR programming skill. Please show me some tips, cuations when use these functions
4. Could we modify , configure  system (Xft )to automatically select the fonts to display a string which is best match to the original font in a text file. And how to do it ?
5.  I have a Microsoft Word document  which uses a Vietnamese font ( VNI-helvetica ). When I open it in Kword (Redhat 7.2) , Kword automatically change my original font ( VNI-helvetica) into (Helvetica - unicode font which available in my system) . Can you explain me this ? and tell me if I can hack the system to keep my original font in *.doc file, after that I change the font as I want.
Dear , I know I bother you so much these days but I am in big TROUBLE. Time is not wait for me. Deadline coming...
I have about 20 days to finish my project. There's alot to be done...
I am sorry if you have to read my mail and answer such silly questions but all of your answers are very useful to me .
Please help me for I can not find any one near me to help.
I'm sorry for my CC, It's so impolite  . Just forgive me ....
Thank you for all things you've done to me ....and thanks for reading
I'm looking forward to seeing your reply.
Dang Minh
Ps: please forward this mail to any one you think they can help me.