Hi Thanks for your response.. I am working in SARI project, which is a "SUSTAINABLE ACCESS IN RURAL INDIA" handling by the TeNeT group, Indian Institute of Technology Madras. Our main aim is to create the Information Technology Revolution in Rural areas. Since Indian are very poor in wealth, they couldnt buy a computer which costs as of now. We planned to provide a system which has minimal configurations at lower cost. So, we planned to provide the Linux OS with KDE Desktop, which is at free of cost. We have localized everything there. Kernel, X, KDE etc. Also, we planned to provide the system much cheaper ,where the people can use their TV (color or black and white) as their monitor. For CPU, they can use a older Motherboard, with TV card. We can have a centralized server and the CPU's can connect the Server from remote villages through our wallset connection (www.tenet.res.in). Their CPU's have only CD-drive, nothing other storage devices than, FDD and RAM. Here also we planned to Use the linux with KDE. We couldnt install entire KDE suite, so we need to install KOffice only with minimal installation. File saving and accessing are done in server only. Can you tell me which is the better way to provide Koffice to rural people ? On Yesterday David Faure wrote to Vivek : DF:}-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- DF:}Hash: SHA1 DF:} DF:}> Good Morning DF:}> I need to use the koffice, with minimal libraries, without kde. DF:}If you mean without kdebase, no problem. DF:}If you mean without kdelibs, you'll have a LOT of code to port, or simply DF:}many classes to get from kdelibs into your self-made koffice package. DF:}... which amounts to the same as using kdelibs in the first place, unless DF:}this is for PDAs? DF:} DF:}> If I statically recompile the koffice by omitting some libraries, is it DF:}> possible? if so, what are the libraries, which we can avoid? DF:}Depends which features you want to remove.... DF:} DF:}Seriously, it's very hard to answer such a question, without knowing exactly what DF:}you're trying to do. We don't have "useless libraries", they all serve a purpose... DF:} DF:}Static compiling can't work. KOffice works by dl'opening libraries. DF:} DF:}- -- DF:}David FAURE, david@mandrakesoft.com, faure@kde.org DF:}http://people.mandrakesoft.com/~david/ DF:}Contributing to: http://www.konqueror.org/, http://www.koffice.org/ DF:}Get the latest KOffice - http://download.kde.org/stable/koffice-1.2/ DF:}-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- DF:}Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux) DF:} DF:}iD8DBQE9kz5+72KcVAmwbhARAkTXAJ9wjdLCjIFQAsGZl9dKM4XW8ia9EACfQIaY DF:}kFreYdZH+MwS1fAf2quLKQE= DF:}=DbzR DF:}-----END PGP SIGNATURE----- DF:} -- Vivek -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DON Lab, IITM, Chennai-36, India. Ph:044-2578904, 044-2578353 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Only weapon we are having from the beginning is BRAIN ____________________________________ koffice mailing list koffice@mail.kde.org To unsubscribe please visit: http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/koffice