I'm not sure what the requirements for "full process color functional" would be... Does this mean different color models like CMYK and support for it's various channels? In any case, I'm not sure for printed media you'll ever be able to replace Photoshop with Krita, no matter how good/bad Krita gets... I think this kind of testing would set me back quite a bit in terms of paper and ink :) DPM wrote: > Hello sirs, > Is it possible to make Krita full process color functional, like Photoshop. > I know that GIMP is not there... but should be by now. I use Photoshop > now... but would love to see some Linux software more closely related. There > are many of us who use photo image software for print purposes which > requires full process capabilities... then more of us would also switch to > Linux. Because of my work situation I need this capability and would love to > see Linux make the jump that way I can make the jump also... > > Thanks, Tim