Am Samstag, 23. Februar 2002 11:10 schrieb Werner Trobin: > > This patch is a first step, but a lot will break from that change. Just > have a look at encode/decodeFormula and you'll see what I mean. You are right, a lot will break, if I/we fully start to support full columns>26*26 But this patch only changes the routine which returns only the text for the column, which is/was in the case of >26*26 only "@@@". I checked the sources where this function is used and there is neither a check for "@@@" nor seems to be a problem in general. But I may have missed something, as always. The next step for me is to realy support more than 26*26 columns. > Who needs more than 26*26 cells anyway, if it's possible to have multiple > tables? I need it within EXCEL in my normal job sometimes. And sometimes I'm even lost with the limitations of EXCEL. Just imagine you use a long list of more than 26*26 rows. Then you like to use the function "insert special - transpond" (which switches x/y all values like B1 <-> A2) and you are lost with such limitations. KSpread doesn't support this very useful functionality (yet) I have looked through the sources. It's more a limitation due to this "@@@" then to a real 26*26. General: Columns are currently int values and from my point of view there is no real reason to not use the full range of 2^15. And as nobody else is currently working on this, I will give it a try Ciao Philipp