At 02:15 AM 10/4/2001, you wrote: >On Thursday 04 October 2001 9:29 am, Eleknader wrote: > > > > > > > There is also a commercial database product called Rekall (produced by The > > Kompany), which will be released quite soon, and will be released for free > > (free to be used, not free to be hacked). I'm sure Shawn Gordon from The > > Kompany will be willing to inform you about Rekall. > >Since Shawn is probably asleep right now, here's a quick statement (by me, as >the main Rekall developer). BTW please don't read this as an advert yes I was asleep actually :). You will have to pay for Rekall. We are trying to provide a free (as in cost) "lite" version, but I don't know when that will be available because our first priority is to finish the commercial version. >* Rekall is an "Access-like" database front end >* It is commercial >* It will come with source code >* You _will_ be free to hack the source code (we're not M$oft:) but >* You _will not_ be free to redistribute the source code > >We'll be happy to consider incorporating stuff into the code if we think its >a good idea (OK, we'd benefit, I admit it). > >Personally (and this _is_ my personal opinion), I'd be quite happy to for >user-written patches to be made public, the only issue being the problem of >someone contacting us and saying "I have a problem, and I haven't changed the >source code, honest!". > >Regards >Mike > >-- > >