On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 7:49 AM, tonyb <tonyb.lx@ntlworld.com> wrote:
On Tuesday 17 Nov 2009 13:35:02 Alvaro Soliverez wrote:
> did you clean and compile from scratch? When had you last updated?

Yes, I did a make uninstall of my old version, cleaned out some stuff that
uninstall didn't (can't remember where, somewhere under /usr/share/kde4/apps
IIRC), did a complete new checkout from SVN at 2009-11-17 11:44GMT, and
rebuilt from scratch.

The crash only happens when:
a) I run from within qtcreator (if I do 'make install', it runs correctly)

If you don't make install it is similar to when then widgets wouldn't come up in the KDE3 version. That's a problem on the install process and most users won't come across because they will get the package from their distros. The rest we can handle.
b) I don't have an rc (preferences) file.

That shouldn't happen unless you delete it explicitly after starting the program. Mess with fire and you can get burnt. ;)
I guess this is a scenario that most users won't come across.

I hope so.

However, I did notice one thing that may confuse new users. If in the New User
Wizard, you click 'Configure preferences now', the preferences window is
hidden behing the wizard, and cannot be enabled until you complete the last
screen of the wizard. (At least, that's what happened to me!

That we have to check it. Most likely, the new user dialog is set to run as modal. It is that way by default so we probably have to change that.

Thanks, Tony!
