Great, you did solved both issues !

thanks a lot Christian :-)

2014-10-07 11:21 GMT+02:00 Cristian OneČ› <>:
2014-10-07 12:03 GMT+03:00 hugo borrell <>:
> Thank you Cristian.
>> > I want to merge 2 categories into 1. I started changing each operation
>> > from
>> > category 1 to category 2 (right click --> move operation to...) but this
>> > takes a while...
>> You can also do this using multiple selection.
> Well, I can select all operations, but then I can't find out how to move
> them all : right click considers only the operation upon which the mouse
> cursor is set.

OK, I see what you mean, try the 'menu key' [1] then.
>> >
>> > As I can "select all" operations from category 1, is there a smarter way
>> > to
>> > move them all to category 2 ?
>> Yes, there is [1]. Delete category 1 and you will be asked where do
>> you want to move the existing transactions.
> Yes, this happens in most cases but for a reason I can't find out, I can't
> delete this particular category : "delete" is greyed. Any idea why ?

I guess that it's still referenced by something. A category can be
deleted if it's referenced by:
- transactions
- accounts
- schedules
- budgets

So that leaves you with:
- institutions
- payees
- reports
- securities
- currencies
- prices
- tags

I would check if a payee has a reference to that category (default
category assignment).



> Hugo
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