On Friday 01 June 2001 22:23, Ingo Klöcker wrote: > Why has the score to be recalculated everytime you select the folder? > The "subject" and "from" headers won't change. The only thing that > actually changes is the age of the messages. And the scoring rules the user makes. You typically will pop up the editor, write a new rule or erase an old one, and expect to see it applied right away (this is something missing, btw, a quicker way to add rules, like right click on the subject, select "decrease score of this thread"). *Please* look at how it works in Gnus (which has *both* filtering and scoring as totally different features). This discussion is bound to go nowhere until you do so. > If a message comes from a kde mailing-list (i.e. "X-Mailing-List" > contains "@master.kde.org"), calculate the score by looking if the > message was sent by foo@kde.org. > Where's the problem? You forgot to store the message in its right folder. So you have to add another filter to do this. But you also have to make sure that the delivering filter is after the scoring one. And if the pattern to check if a message comes from a mailing-list is anymore complicated, it gets even worse. Also, look at the kind of expressions you can write with the scoring rules editor. Do you really think you can fit them in the filter editor ? In the end, you turn something simple, both the feature and its implementation, into something horrendously complicated and less functional. > Sure. But why can't the calculation of the score be already done > directly after the reception of the message? As I said : because scoring rules are meant to change relatively often, and you want them to be applied immediately. -- Guillaume. http://www.telegraph-road.org _______________________________________________ Kmail Developers mailing list Kmail@master.kde.org http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kmail