Ingo Klöcker wrote: > > If you delete a folder which was the destination folder of a filter, > and then open the configuration for this filter, the destination folder > will be set to the first non-system-folder. Yes, I see. There are even more bugs with removing filters or adding filter or moving them around now. The best solution would be to that KMFolderMgr would emit signals folderRemoved( KMFolder * ) folderCreated( KMFolder * ) folderMoved( KMFolder *old, KMFolder *new ) just before (rem)/after (mov, create) the corresponding action which interested parties (KMFilterMgr, KMFilterDlg, etc) could connect to to update the filters accordingly. KMFilterMgr could e.g. ask the user on delete: There are filters which rely on this folder. What should I do with them? [Delete] [Edit] And KMFilterDlg could update it's combo boxes. > I don't know if it's better to apply this small patch directly to cvs > or if it's better to let Marc add this patch to his work on the filters. It's fine with me if it gets into CVS, because my current method of merging things is to copy the new files over the old ones (after checking what has been done in CVS on that files). Marc -- Marc Mutz University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics PGP-keyID's: 0xd46ce9ab (RSA), 0x7ae55b9e (DSS/DH) _______________________________________________ Kmail Developers mailing list