Michael Häckel wrote: > > - When resizing the dialog, only the width of the right edit fields grow. It > is also possible to define a strech value for several coulumns in a layout. > Then they grow all in a defined ratio. Which additional column should grow horizontally? I don't see a use in growing the combo boxes, but the filter listbox could use some, I think? > - The renaming of rules is now handled very well, however what is the purpose > of the Clear button in the rename dialog? If I click Clear and then Ok it > has the same effect like when clicking Cancel. If it would revert to the > automatic generated name, it would at least be useful. Since the text is > highlight it is anyway deleted by default, when typing. The rename dialog is a standard KdeUI LineEditDialog. It has the clear button in by default. I will make a check for isEmpty() on the result QString and revert to automatic naming again. Good idea. > - Is there a reason, why there are always at least two filter criteria > displayed and not only one by default like for the actions? > With only one rule as minimum, the operator radiobuttons have no meaning. Also, you often want to have more than one pattern rule, whereas the vast majority of users will only use filters to sort incoming mail into different folders, such that they will have but one action "move to folder". But the real reason is the first one: That an operator doesn't make much sense when there's only one rule. > The execute rule still seems to work. > Yeah, KMFilterActionExec is supposed to work, but KMFilterActionFilterApp doesn't. The only doubt I have about KMFilterActionExec (apart form it not using KShellProcess) is that the algorithm that is supposed to substitute %n for the n'th message part, will fail for e.g. appname --part2=%2 --part1=%1 This is because the algorithm searches for the first occurence of '%' in the parameter string, determines the digit which follows, extracts the corresponding message part and uses QString::arg( that message part's tmpfile name ) to substitute the %n. But QString::arg() will substitute %m, where m = min(all x such that '%x' is found). So in the above example, given temp files p1 and p2 for the msgparts 1 and 2, resp., the resulting command line would be appname --part2=p1 --part2=p2 Looking closer, I also see that the following command line would provoke an infinite loop in KMFilterActionExec::process(): appname %% > I think when the bugs you mentiond and above things, as far as they are bugs > are fixed, then the patch is ready for CVS and you can work on additional > features in a new patch. :-) Marc -- Marc Mutz http://EncryptionHOWTO.sourceforge.net/ University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics PGP-keyID's: 0xd46ce9ab (RSA), 0x7ae55b9e (DSS/DH) _______________________________________________ Kmail Developers mailing list Kmail@master.kde.org http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kmail