Package: kmail Version: KDE 2.1.0 Severity: normal Installed from: RedHat RPMs Compiler: gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release) OS: Linux OS/Compiler notes: Not Specified I just received an email message containing an HTML form in the message body. As I started to enter my name in one of the form's fields, I noticed that KMail was intercepting my keystrokes, and interpreting them as key binding commands. For example, when I tried to type the third letter of my name (r), KMail popped up a reply-message window. It seems to me that when a text box on a web form email has the input focus, KMail should not trap "normal" keystrokes. The fact that it currently does trap them prevents me from filling out emailed HTML forms. (Submitted via _______________________________________________ Kmail Developers mailing list