On Friday, 23. March 2001 11:51, Seth Chaiklin wrote: > > I realize that the RMB also gives that impression that it is possible to > send a single message. And that is a problem. The outbox is a queue for sending all mails together. For storing unfinished mails we have the drafts folder. > (BTW, I have a direct connection, so I don't usually use "Send Queued", so > I will leave these problems to someone else. (-: ) If the Send Queued action shall appear in a context menu, then it has to be added to the context menu of the outbox in the folder tree and not to the headers of the messages. Regards, Michael Häckel _______________________________________________ Kmail Developers mailing list Kmail@master.kde.org http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kmail