Hi, I started to port composer to use KActions and KXMLGui. This will give us smaller size and configurable toolbars for free. Also Iīd like to to port Composer and later Reader to inherit KTMainWindow properly without KMTopWidget. This will enable us the folowing window close policy: If last main window (composer or reader closes): - if itīs reader and we are downloading mail, ask confirmation to stop and close window. - if itīs composer with unsent mail, ask confirmation to to stop and close window - if all windows are closed, KMKernel will: - compact all folders (if selected/needed). - if there is queued mail, ask (configurable) wether to send it now - if the mail is being sent, exit after sending it. This is how itīs done now, but it is done in complex way. Iīd like to simplify it to avoid possible bugs. So kernel can continue to live for some time even if windows are closed. It will respond to dcop call from another kmail instance (except sending is blocking right now, and a big compact job too :-( ). We might consider some progress indicator for that case (no windows, but we work) - perhaps an docked icon? bye, -- Sven Radej radej@kde.org KDE developer Visit http://www.kde.org