On Tue, 08 Feb 2000, Don Sanders wrote: > > Comments are our friends!!! :-) > > John > > Well the KMail source code is lightly commented. I don't mind this too > much myself as if you document the nitty-gritty of what the program > does, then that documentation is prone to becoming out of date, hence > misleading to later programmers and possibly a burden on the project. > Well, not being a programmer myself, but having roomed with one for a couple years, I have come to see the wisdom of commenting your code as you go along, so that in the future, you (or someone else) can look at the comments and say "Oh, THAT'S why this piece of code looks like that!" I can see how that would be useful to someone who wrote something and then a while later (months or years) came back to the same project and picked up their source to modify it. Just my 2 cents' worth. :-) John