I have followed the instructions (again) at the kontact.kde.org/kmail/kmail- pgpmime-howto site but am failing to get gnupg and pinentry-qt to work with kmail. I am running KDE 4.1.3 and gnupg 1.4.9. This problem has actually existed since I went to Mandriva 2009.0 and KDE 4. I have "use agent" in my gpg.conf file and this is my gpg-agent.conf: pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-qt no-grab default-cache-ttl 1800 ###+++--- GPGConf ---+++### debug-level basic log-file socket:///home/praedor/.gnupg/log-socket When I start a CLI, however, I now get this: can't connect to `/home/praedor/.gnupg/log-socket': Connection refused WHY is the connection refused all of a sudden? It worked perfectly fine before 2009.0 and kde4. If I comment out the socket line, the system DOES fire up a working socket along the lines of 'gpg-agent[11751]: listening on socket `/tmp/gpg- FhGJLT/S.gpg-agent'' (how do I suppress this message every time I fire up a CLI?). When I try to sign or encrypt an email in kmail, I get a message that the operation failed and that I should make sure gpg-agent is running. It IS running - I start it in ~/.kde4/env/gpgagent.sh just as I always have in the past when it actually worked. What is the deal? Is there some new special magic to making gpg-agent work with kde 4? praedor _______________________________________________ KMail developers mailing list KMail-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kmail-devel