On Sunday 25 February 2007 7:39:38 am Andreas Gungl wrote: > Hello, > > starting with KMail from KDE 3.5.6 I often get crashes when filtering many > messages in a folder manually (applying all filters). > The problem goes down to the following lines in kmfolder.cpp: > [..snip..] > Well, if someone can comment on this, I'd like to fix it the right way. > I nagged it earlier on this list, and even provided a patch which is attached to http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=140660 So far nobody has commented, and nobody else has tried my patch AFAIK. If you are using the KMail from pim+, then you are using my patch. Please search for the message "About BR 140660" which may be in your mailbox for other info. -Allen -- KDEPIM Developer I accept PayPal payments to awinterz@earthlink.net _______________________________________________ KMail developers mailing list KMail-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kmail-devel