Francoys Proulx wrote: >Kmail is a great product, but some features, easy to implement, are missing > >As a first time users of linux, i configure Kmail as a root. Later i learned >using linux as a root was not a good idea. My first idea was to copy the >kmail directory in a user to bypass the reconfiguration process! But its >didn't work. Its would be very nice to be able to export the configuration! > >An email client is not the easiest software to configure. Once its done, its >would be nice to have a way to make a backup of the configuration! > >I had to make many reinstallation, thank to the bad drivers of ATI. And >setting back Kmail was always the toughest part! > >Sorry for my english... >___________________________evel > > Please, whishes throw BTW, it is kept track better. regards _______________________________________________ KMail developers mailing list