On Friday 08 August 2003 15:03, Andreas Gungl wrote: > > Not sure what the aMsg->setComplete( true ); is for in > > KMSender::send, maybe you can clarify that. > > Hm, I saw this line when I did the last diff and I was immediatly asking > why I added it. Originally I was wondering whether it's worth a (at that > point trival) comment, now I got the answer. ;-) > There was a debug output somewhere that the message were not completed. So > I added that call and the line was gone. > I'll try to reproduce and add an comment as soon as I've found it. I moved this to the composer. It's important for imap to mark the composed message as complete. -- Carsten Burghardt PGP: http://www.magic-shop.de/Carsten_Burghardt.asc _______________________________________________ KMail Developers mailing list kmail@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kmail