Hi, sometimes I realize messages being truncated by one character. When e.g. the name is on the last line of a message, the last character is missing. As the message is written without that character in the file (maildir), I guess, KMail's POP3 mechanisms do truncate the message. (I have a second machine running mozilla, and when I retrieve the same messages from my account, the name is complete.) Did anybody else encounter this too? I did a quick search in the buglist, but I didn't find anything opened or closed. I'm unfortunatly using SuSE (KDE 3.1.2) which is known to have some problematic RPMs sometimes, but perhaps I should really file a bugreport. Andreas _______________________________________________ KMail Developers mailing list kmail@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kmail