On Tuesday 10 September 2002 19:44, Aaron J. Seigo wrote: > On Tuesday 10 September 2002 11:33, Marc Mutz wrote: > > Unfortunately, judging form the programme that Don wants to implement in > > the time before 3.1, when HEAD is open again, the two branches will > > have diverted to very drastically, that any attempt at backporting > > selected stuff will probably be more work than developing it for HEAD > > itself. (...) > > I catch myself thinking that this is what is intended... :-( > probably not for the intent of making porting bug fixes hard, but for the > intent of making improvements that those working in the branch see as > needed. in other words, it would be a side effect rather than an intended > primary effect. So how do you interpret the following statement then: On Tuesday 10 September 2002 12:31, Don Sanders wrote: > Here is a list of changes I'm currently working on in make_it_cool (...) > I really want to do this as if we fork this gives us a legitimate > different goal from KMail rather than just competing directly with > KMail. (...) > Don. Am I the only one understanding this the way that Don would _like_ to 'have to' fork? Karl-Heinz _______________________________________________ KMail Developers mailing list kmail@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kmail