Hi everyone! I thought I would let you all know how the attempt to get the JavaScript HeirMenus working in Konqueror is going. My current code is at http://www.kimanddavidforever.org/jsmenus/LoadMe.html. You'll note that almost everything is working! Actually, at this point, the code is almost useable in Konqueror. Here's the list of action items from my last Email and their status: *still to go* The biggest issue that is facing me now is that Konqueror seems to lose references to its objects a lot. For example, if you go the page above and click on the word "Experts" in the top menubar, you'll get a nice drop down. Scroll through the list for a bit and then move your mouse to the word "Contents". Konqueror should "roll up" the Experts menu and highlight the Contents menu in black. What happens is that I get a JS error at the console that states "JS: Type error. Undefined value". =20 I can't figure this one out. Mozilla and IE do not have this problem (or at least don't tell me about it). I'm at a little bit of a loss as to what to do. Actually, the main reason for this post is to see if I can't get someone else to take a quick look at the code from Konqueror's JavaScript perspective and let me know if they see anything that might clue us in. Until this gets fixed, the menus are of rather limited use. One last thing, sometimes it just works in Konqueror. I'll be debugging and trying new things and viola! Everything is great. The error goes away and everything functions just like it should. This usually happens after debugging for a while and after I put in a try catch block around something. However, if I shut Konqueror down and restart *without changing the code* it will usually fail again on the next try. Very frustrating. I get this behavior maybe in one out of a hundred reloads of the page. Other items to work on: Side borders on the yellow menu: It seems as though they get drawn, but this something is drawn over the top of them.=20 Hover effects: It seems that you have to hover over the text in the menus rather than the menu itself to activate the highlight Speed: removing CSS_DEBUG helped a lot, but it still seems a little slow. The link that's supposed to activate on the onclick (Displays on click) doesn't work for some reason. *fixed* Mouse positioning: Konqi exposes the mouse coordinates to the browser in the same manner as IE. To this point, I had always told the scripts that Konqi was equivalent to Mozilla to avoid all the weird IEisms that the script uses. The menus pop up in the appropriate place now. IE uses clientX, clientY, document.body.scrollLeft and document.body.scrollTop to determine mouse coordinates. Mozilla uses pageX and pageY. To my knowledge, there is no standard way of doing this from the W3C. What do you all think about supporting both? It should be easy to make pageX just call clientX and then add in the value from document.body.scrollTop. It's not that big of a deal, but it would be nice from my perspective. borders: Someone just fixed something that is now causing the bottom borders to render correctly on the menus. Thank you to the unknown coder. The side borders are actually being drawn on the permanent (yellow) menu, but something is writing over the top of them. I'm still looking into that. *identified bug* The gif to indicate submenus is rendered in the wrong place due to a bug in Konqueror's implementation of cssFloat. I just logged a bug (30086) to address this. Hopefully, it will be easy to fix since Konqueror supports the CSS property of "float" just fine. This is the last major visual bug that I can see.=20 At the moment, I'm so frustrated with the JavaScript bug that I'm trying to fix some of the easy ones. I would love it if someone could just snap their fingers and say "Just fixed the JavaScript problem. Recompile and try it". Any takers :) Thanks again, David