Package: konqueror Version: cvs 29/12/2000 Severity: grave Installed from: sources The bug here is that konqueror seems to influence the transparent backgound functionality of konsole! (It is very visible, there for the high severity!) Reproduction ------------- my setup: --------- 4 virtual desktops, visible via kpager desktop 3, has a multiple background setup, changing every 5 minutes. All backgrounds are *.jpg files have some konsoles with a transparent background located at desktop 3. Without konquerer all the konsoles follow the background change immediately always. Now lauch konqueror at desktop 2 (at least not the desktop with the konsoles). After the background of desktop 3 changes (maybe more than 1 change is needed, but not much more), the background of desktop 2 is visible in the konsoles, in stead of the desktop 3 background. From this moment on the konsoles will not follow any background change. Richard Bos (submitted via