Hi, Lars asked me once on irc how to implement a way for khtml to detect if an URL has already been visited, in order to use a different color for the link. Now I wonder: How can we do that? :) One solution that comes to my mind: Konqueror sends around the openurl events to views. khtml could listen for those events and save the url in an internal list (preferrably in a static list in the factory, in order to avoid all khtml instances collecting the same stuff ;-) . However there is a problem: The url list would get lost upon view mode changes. A possible solution for this would be to save/restore the url list via KConfig in the factory destructor/constructor. That however arises the question: When is that list cleared? I mean: After 4 months of browsing with konqueror I do not want to have all links to be marked visited ;-) And: Wouldn't it be more logical to somehow store such a list in Konqueror itself? If yes, then how could provide provide the information, without creating a direct dependency between host and part? Help? Comments? Ideas? :-) Bye, Simon