On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Cristian Tibirna wrote: > - if I split to 2 views, link the (e.g.) left one (master) to the right > one, then unlink them, last mouse click pass the focus to the former > master, but doesn't refresh the green led in the status bar. Have to pass > focus to former slave view and back again to former master to have the led > functional again I guess that this is due to the fact that we don't catch FocusIn in the partmanager anymore? Hrmmm, I wish we could fix that... if it just wouldn't break kspread.. Hm, perhaps this was some qt bug and is fixed now in beta3? (I'll check that) > - in dirtree mode, tree view has |+| and |-| signs even on directories > that don't have subdirectories. Clicking toggles +/- but doesn't do > nothing AAMOF. fixed > - in dirtree mode, a linked view indicator appears. If we unlink them > manually (permission granted but shouldn't) then change focus to previous > tree view (left) then try to toggle off the menuitem in the View menu (the > one that says "Directory Tree view" crashes konqueror fixed :) > - kimap files are mimetyped as executable .desktop files. David, any idea how to solve this? I mean: Should we open up each .desktop file with KConfig and look if there's an Exec entry? (sounds like overhead to me) > - if, once in a dirtree mode, the slave view is passed in tree view, > konqui crashes (not so reproductible) Any idea how to reproduce this one? :) > - dirtree activation deactivation seem to not go to the history. Or at > least there's a problem when the slave view is a tree view. Hmmm, not sure I understand this one.. Having a dirtree and a treeview and selecting directories in the dirtree (so that the treeview shows them, too) puts those dirs in the history buffer for me. But I guess I misunderstood this :) BTW, thanks for these reports! :) Ciao, Simon