Hi, as you perhaps already noticed, I made some changes in the directory structure of khtml. This is mainly, because khtml got to big, to hold everything in one directory. The new structure is a bit more logical, and should make it easier for people to find their way through the code. The directory structure looks as following now: dom/ holds the API for the document Object model (Level 1 and level 2 css at the moment) css/ Implementation of the CSS part of the DOM, CSS Parser and in the future some helper classes to apply the stylesheets to the document. xml/ at the moment only the iimplementation of the DOM Level 1 core (which is basically the xml DOM). Might contain more stuff for xml support in the future. html/ The html part of DOM Level1, the html parser and tokenizer plus some helper classes. rendering/ Does not contain much at the moment, and will hold the new style based layouting and rendering engine in the future kjs/ The java script engine java/ java stuff test/ some test pages for khtml As a second thing, Antti and I are going to change the layouting and rendering engine from the one we're using now (basically it's merged into the implementation of the HTML dom, see my post about 2 weeks ago), to a CSS/StyleObject based layouting/rendering mechanism. This new engine will be much more flexible than the one we have now, give us support for CSS, and allow rendering of XML (combined with style sheets) in the future. Because this switch will break the whole layouting stuff in khtml for the next few weeks, we decided to do these changes in a separate branch and merge things back after khtml reaches a useable state again. Cheers, Lars