Hi, I uploaded newtoolbar-0.1.tgz and newToolbar.gif to Incoming, and to kfm-devel place. KToolBar is new toolbar. It can have line editors, combo boxes, and buttons Items may be right aligned. Toolbar can be sized to parent-widget width. Line editors or combobox can be (just one) set to autosize to full toolbar width if toolbar is autosized. KLined and KCombo are subclassed from QLineEdit and QComboBox. They have signals completion () and rotation () which are emited when ctrl-S and ctrl-D are pressed. KFloater is widget grabber. It reparents (recreate ()) the widget and shows her in new allways-on-top window. It can release it back to parent. KTopLevelWidget is slightly modified to work with new toolbar. Interface to KTopLevelWidget is same as before. KToolBar has old interface included with warnings to use new. KToolBar has floating disabled by default. Use enableFloating (TRUE) to enable floating. I included all this in my libkdeui and recompiled some programs. KFM and Kedit do a SIGSEGV when floating is selected. Karm works fine with floating. Maybe it is because floating breaks the widget hierarchy. I suspect that it has to do something with KDND zones. Although, when I disabled DND in Kedit it still crashed. Comments welcome. Solutions too (especially for floating!) Dir real_krollup is some try to make WM-independant widget container. Bye, -- Sven