--e89a8fb2073cbe694604f1bcfaf9 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Hi, the build is broken again. Attached patch fixes it for me (I haven't tested it with Baloo installed yet though). 2014-02-06 10:41 GMT+01:00 Vishesh Handa: > On Thursday 06 February 2014 09:34:59 Frank Reininghaus wrote: >> Hi, >> >> 2014-02-05 Christoph Feck: >> > Hi, >> > >> > It would be nice to have these changes merged in the next two weeks >> > (i.e. one week before the freeze, see >> > http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.13_Release_Schedule ) >> >> that's fine. From my point of view, the Baloo code is basically ready >> (once the foreach loop is re-added to prevent that 322348 comes back). >> > > Fixed > >> I'll try to have another look at the code later, and I also encourage >> others to do so. If nothing else comes up today, I'd say that the >> branch can be merged (if Vishesh thinks that the commit history of >> that branch is worth keeping) or alternatively, master can be merged >> into feature/baloo and then the diff be applied to master as a single >> commit. >> > > Lets keep the history. Just out of curiosity, may I ask why the history is important? The reason I'm asking is that I often use "git log" and "git blame" to find out when and why some code was changed, and to understand why the code is as it is (often very useful when I find out which line causes a bug and I'm wondering why the line is there at all). This technique is obviously much less useful if some lines/files get changed very often. If the branch contained a sequence of commits with valid intermediate states which could help to find the cause of regressions in the future, or which could help to understand the structure of the new code, I could see that keeping all those commits makes sense. However, from my point of view, most of the commits will just add noise to the output of "git log" and "git blame" and make finding out about the origin of some lines quite painful. But I don't want to start bikeshedding about this issue - if you can tell any reason why the history will be useful to you in the future, I'll shut up ;-) Cheers, Frank --e89a8fb2073cbe694604f1bcfaf9 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; name="p.diff" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="p.diff" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 X-Attachment-Id: f_hrc20kpa0 ZGlmZiAtLWdpdCBhL2RvbHBoaW4vc3JjL3NlYXJjaC9kb2xwaGluc2VhcmNoYm94LmNwcCBiL2Rv bHBoaW4vc3JjL3NlYXJjaC9kb2xwaGluc2VhcmNoYm94LmNwcAppbmRleCA2YTg1NTQ3Li5hNWYw OWI5IDEwMDY0NAotLS0gYS9kb2xwaGluL3NyYy9zZWFyY2gvZG9scGhpbnNlYXJjaGJveC5jcHAK KysrIGIvZG9scGhpbi9zcmMvc2VhcmNoL2RvbHBoaW5zZWFyY2hib3guY3BwCkBAIC0xMDcsOCAr MTA3LDExIEBAIHZvaWQgRG9scGhpblNlYXJjaEJveDo6c2V0U2VhcmNoUGF0aChjb25zdCBLVXJs JiB1cmwpCiAgICAgbV9mcm9tSGVyZUJ1dHRvbi0+c2V0VmlzaWJsZShzaG93U2VhcmNoRnJvbUJ1 dHRvbnMpOwogICAgIG1fZXZlcnl3aGVyZUJ1dHRvbi0+c2V0VmlzaWJsZShzaG93U2VhcmNoRnJv bUJ1dHRvbnMpOwogCisgICAgYm9vbCBoYXNGYWNldHNTdXBwb3J0ID0gZmFsc2U7CisjaWZkZWYg SEFWRV9CQUxPTwogICAgIGNvbnN0IEJhbG9vOjpJbmRleGVyQ29uZmlnIHNlYXJjaEluZm87Ci0g ICAgY29uc3QgYm9vbCBoYXNGYWNldHNTdXBwb3J0ID0gc2VhcmNoSW5mby5maWxlSW5kZXhpbmdF bmFibGVkKCkgJiYgc2VhcmNoSW5mby5zaG91bGRCZUluZGV4ZWQobV9zZWFyY2hQYXRoLnRvTG9j YWxGaWxlKCkpOworICAgIGhhc0ZhY2V0c1N1cHBvcnQgPSBzZWFyY2hJbmZvLmZpbGVJbmRleGlu Z0VuYWJsZWQoKSAmJiBzZWFyY2hJbmZvLnNob3VsZEJlSW5kZXhlZChtX3NlYXJjaFBhdGgudG9M b2NhbEZpbGUoKSk7CisjZW5kaWYKICAgICBtX2ZhY2V0c1dpZGdldC0+c2V0RW5hYmxlZChoYXNG YWNldHNTdXBwb3J0KTsKIH0KIApAQCAtMTIwLDggKzEyMywxMiBAQCBLVXJsIERvbHBoaW5TZWFy Y2hCb3g6OnNlYXJjaFBhdGgoKSBjb25zdAogS1VybCBEb2xwaGluU2VhcmNoQm94Ojp1cmxGb3JT ZWFyY2hpbmcoKSBjb25zdAogewogICAgIEtVcmwgdXJsOworICAgIGJvb2wgdXNlQmFsb29TZWFy Y2ggPSBmYWxzZTsKKyNpZmRlZiBIQVZFX0JBTE9PCiAgICAgY29uc3QgQmFsb286OkluZGV4ZXJD b25maWcgc2VhcmNoSW5mbzsKLSAgICBpZiAoc2VhcmNoSW5mby5maWxlSW5kZXhpbmdFbmFibGVk KCkgJiYgc2VhcmNoSW5mby5zaG91bGRCZUluZGV4ZWQobV9zZWFyY2hQYXRoLnRvTG9jYWxGaWxl KCkpKSB7CisgICAgdXNlQmFsb29TZWFyY2ggPSBzZWFyY2hJbmZvLmZpbGVJbmRleGluZ0VuYWJs ZWQoKSAmJiBzZWFyY2hJbmZvLnNob3VsZEJlSW5kZXhlZChtX3NlYXJjaFBhdGgudG9Mb2NhbEZp bGUoKSk7CisjZW5kaWYKKyAgICBpZiAodXNlQmFsb29TZWFyY2gpIHsKICAgICAgICAgdXJsID0g YmFsb29VcmxGb3JTZWFyY2hpbmcoKTsKICAgICB9IGVsc2UgewogICAgICAgICB1cmwuc2V0UHJv dG9jb2woImZpbGVuYW1lc2VhcmNoIik7Cg== --e89a8fb2073cbe694604f1bcfaf9--