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On June 5th, 2013, 6:02 p.m. UTC, Frank Reininghaus wrote:

Just for the record, I have not completely forgotton about this issue, even though I never said anything about it recently. It's just that there are always so many incoming bug reports, emails, and other things, and only very little time to handle all this.

I am convinced now that the tinting is really a stupid idea, and now that the FolderView people have copied it, I think it's time to change it. I had this in mind on my "Things that should be looked into at least before the 4.11 RCs" list already.

I think the best approach would be just go back to the Dolpin 1.x behaviour (equal to the file dialog), not tint the icons/previews, and draw a blue rectangle around the selected item. Nuno's idea sounds also interesting, but maybe this is something to consider for the frameworks era - I think that we should not go too far away from the file dialog design just now.

On February 5th, 2014, 3:39 p.m. UTC, Emmanuel Pescosta wrote:

> "Things that should be looked into at least before the 4.11 RCs"
Maybe something for 4.13? ;)
Both Christoph and I did look into it at some point, see

Christoph argued that it might be better to fix

first, and I think that this makes sense. However, my attempts to find out the root cause of that one have been unsuccessful so far.

- Frank

On June 4th, 2013, 4:39 p.m. UTC, Emmanuel Pescosta wrote:

Review request for Dolphin, Nuno Bento and Frank Reininghaus.
By Emmanuel Pescosta.

Updated June 4, 2013, 4:39 p.m.

Bugs: 304643
Repository: kde-baseapps


Fix Bug 304643 - selected place looks ugly and incomplete


  • dolphin/src/kitemviews/kitemlistwidget.h (55181fa)
  • dolphin/src/kitemviews/kitemlistwidget.cpp (6a7111a)
  • dolphin/src/kitemviews/kstandarditemlistwidget.h (787722d)
  • dolphin/src/kitemviews/kstandarditemlistwidget.cpp (72d10cf)
  • dolphin/src/panels/folders/foldersitemlistwidget.cpp (b4f9a5b)
  • dolphin/src/panels/places/placesitemlistwidget.h (a2a88c1)
  • dolphin/src/panels/places/placesitemlistwidget.cpp (e33d1da)

View Diff


Old and new Dolphin Places look