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This review has been submitted with commit ec4efae6428a0d32657b6aaf0ceaef8238748f5c by Frank Reininghaus to branch KDE/4.11.

- Commit Hook

On October 16th, 2013, 8:36 p.m. UTC, Frank Reininghaus wrote:

Review request for Dolphin.
By Frank Reininghaus.

Updated Oct. 16, 2013, 8:36 p.m.

Bugs: 326039
Repository: kde-baseapps


The fix for bug 161385 (which was about Dolphin still showing an empty view if a device that had been unmounted earlier was clicked in the Places Panel) caused a regression: the view state (current item, scroll position, Details View expansion state) is not restored any more when going "Back".

The reason is that "m_view->reload()" in DolphinViewContainer::setUrl(const KUrl& newUrl) is now always executed just after entering a directory, and that command overwrites this information.

Distinguishing between "change URL" and "reload the view" works better if it's done in DolphinMainWindow instead of DolphinViewContainer.


Fixes the bug, and I verified that the new approach also fixes bug 161385.


  • dolphin/src/dolphinmainwindow.h (7da5801)
  • dolphin/src/dolphinmainwindow.cpp (ccef356)
  • dolphin/src/dolphinviewcontainer.cpp (c8fc757)

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