Hey Frank

I know I'm very very late, but I finally fixed the few annoying bugs in Nepomuk2::FileMetadataWidget, and even made it show data when Nepomuk in not running.

I think this satisfies all the conditions that you had.

Would it be possible to use it for 4.10? I would really like it cause then I don't have to fix the bugs in KFileMetadatWidget for 4.10. I've attached a patch which uses it instead of the KFileMetadataWidget.

Current problems -

1. When right clicking on the file -> Properties -> Information. This Information is supposed to be the same as what is displayed in the Information Panel. However, its code resides in kio, and cannot be made to use Nepomuk::FileMetadataWidget.

2. Configure Shown Data -> Internally, Nepomuk's FileMetadataWidget also uses the same config file, but this might have problems. Maybe I should have my own different config file.

I really want to get this into 4.10 cause it makes my job a lot easier. I don't need to maintain the kdelibs/nepomuk code then. It would also make bug fixing a lot easier.

What do you think?

Vishesh Handa