1) Yes, I know about that. It's kind of development version on git now. I've been fixing that.
2) That's strange, I don't have such behavior. Will test it soon.
3) Yeah, that's why I said that this patches may not be optimal :) Of course we need to have proper solution for this, but it's not obvious 

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 10:07 AM, Frank Reininghaus <frank78ac@googlemail.com> wrote:
2012/8/29 Sergey Borovkov:
> Here. This time fixed. Should blame my own stupidity (forgot to add 2 files
> before doing git diff). For convenience I united 2 patches in 1.

Thanks. I could build the patched Dolphin and KLook now (after
removing the erroneous ")" from CMakeLists.txt).

I found a couple of problems:

1. When opening KLook by clicking the "preview toggle" or pressing
space, it always crashes with the attached backtrace.

2. When clicking the "preview toggle" of an item, the item is not only
previewed, but also opened.

3. (the most serious one): If the icon size is small, the selection
marker and the "preview toggle" overlap. I have no good idea what to
do about this :-(

Best regards,