Yes, we are willing to maintain code and respond to bugreports.
About integration - we are not sure this patches are the most optimal way to integrate Klook into dolphin so we'd be grateful if you could take a look and help us in any way with it. Though while they may not be the best they work (we use them in ROSA Linux).

On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 2:43 PM, Sergey Borovkov <> wrote:
Yes, we are willing to maintain code and respond to bugreports.
About integration - we are not sure this patches are the most optimal way to integrate Klook into dolphin so we'd be grateful if you could take a look and help us in any way with it. Though while they may not be the best they work (we use them in ROSA Linux).

On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 4:59 PM, Frank Reininghaus <> wrote:
Hi Sergey,

2012/8/8 Sergey Borovkov:
> Hi, please take a look at our application for quick file preview called
> Klook. You can read about it here
> Since that time we have added support for pdf, odt and some other types
> using Okular KPart.
> We would like to integrate Klook in Dolphin and make neccessary changes/work
> for this. You can find KLook sources here - git:// or
> here

first of all, thanks for your interest in improving Dolphin! I might
need some time until I can have a closer look at KLook. If I
understand correctly, I have to apply both


from the KLook repository to Dolphin to make it work, right?

Do I understand correctly that you are only asking to integrate these
patches into Dolphin and want to distribute KLook as a separate
application? Moreover, are you willing to maintain all KLook code,
which includes responding to any KLook-related bug reports that we
will get from Dolphin users? There might be quite a few of them (at
first, I was quite shocked by the amount of bug-mails that I get since
I took over Dolphin's maintainership).

Best regards,