Hi, lpotter,
Could you send me the patches for the older version konq/e based on QT/E 2.3 series?
Many thanks and best regards

Lorn Potter <lpotter@trolltech.com> wrote:
Eva Brucherseifer wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am glad to announce, that basysKom (my company) concluded a contract to port
> the current version of Konqueror/Embedded based on KDE 3.5 to Qtopia PDA
> Edition 2.2 (based on Qt 2.3.12) and to add a customized GUI with a number of
> additional features.
> The whole source - also the new GUI - will be placed under a free licenses
> (LGPL and GPL) and we want to develop in close cooperation with the KDE
> community. The goal is, to not develop a dead end product, but to make sure
> the efforts will be reused.
> Here are the features we are going to implement until end of March are the
> following:

FYI There already is an older version of konqe working for Qtopia and
friends.. ported long ago and in a land far far away..


> - Port to Qt2 & Qtopia, as necessary fix font handling, encoding detection,
> alpha blending for Qt2
> - GUI framework for the special display design (640x240, landscape)
> - persistent cookies, accept all cookies automatically
> - tab-browsing (as multi-windows) and popup management

There is a tabs patch I can email you for the above source code of old
konqe. :)

> - url line with history, persistent history
> - web search input line
> - security indicator
> - full screen mode
> - bookmark management
> - persistent self-signed SSL certificates
> - dialog for certificate management
> - proxy configuration dialog
> - image zooming
> - prefetching of scripts (delayed loading of images)
> - mimetypes & download manager
> - performance and stability improvements for IO scheduler (optimized for GPRS
> => many http requests in parallel)
> Currently Konqueror/Embedded is developed in the kdenox module in SVN. It
> works together with the current version in the 3.5 branch. In order to
> compile Konq/E a script is applied which copies over a number of files,
> patches some of them and further more there exist dropin replacements.
> The whole development setup is somewhat difficult, because we have to deal
> with different Qt versions in parallel and also the desktop/embedded
> environment which is based on patches. We want to suggest the following
> setup:
> - we continue to work with the 3.5 branch of kdelibs, as it is mostly stable
> - we develop new features for the 3.5 version of Konq/E first. This allows us
> to copy over code from konqueror and to adapt it.
> - for the qt2 port we generate a set of compat implementations to minimize
> #ifdef-ed code and a series of patches for the kdesrc code. We are doing an
> initial port right now.
> - for easier development, we suggest to generate a kdenox branch. This way we
> don't interfere with other people using kdenox. Into this branch we would to
> check in the complete sources (also the one copied from kdelibs). From there
> we would create patches for the current version of kdenox.
> - wrt the GUI implementation and most of the GUI features we are not sure yet.
> I wonder of how much use this is to other users of Konq/E. Either we create
> an alternative src directory. Maybe it's ok to just have another mainwindow.
> Any feedback welcome.
> Greetings,
> eva

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Trolltech Qtopia Community Manager
Opie Core Developer
konq-e mailing list

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