Greetings, I just joined the list after being unsuccessful at finding a solution to a problem with a change in the behavior of newer versions of Konqueror (when it's being used as a file manager, not as a web browser). This relates to the very useful feature which allows you to start typing one or more keys which represent the first 'n' characters of the name of a file which you want to move the file browser cursor directly to. In other words, if I wanted to jump directly to the file whose name is 'myfile.txt', I could just type 'm', optionally followed by more characters ('y', 'f', etc) as needed to uniquely identify the file. (I don't know if there is an "official" or proper name for this feature, so my searches were not very successful.) In Slackware 9.1 (KDE 3.1.4), this 'quick file access' feature worked regardless of how your files were sorted, which was very useful and intuitive, IMHO. In my case, I'm quite often sorted (inversely) by the "Modified' field, so that most recent files are at the top. That's when the 'quick file access' feature is most useful because I usually know the name of the file I want but I can't easily find it when sorted by date/time-stamp. I don't know exactly when it stopped working this way, but as of Slackware 10.0 (KDE 3.2.3) [and still in Slackware 10.1 (KDE 3.3.2)], this feature has changed such that it now depends on how your files are sorted. In other words, the feature only uses the filename as the "target" if your files are sorted by filename. If your files are sorted by the date/time-stamp (i.e. the "Modified" column), then the text in the "Modified" field is the "target". For example, if you type 's', it jumps to the first file that was last modified on a Saturday or Sunday. If your files are sorted by size, then typing a number jumps to the first file with a size that starts with that number. To me, this seems much less useful than the old way whereby the filename was _always_ the target of the keys you were striking, regardless of how they were sorted. Although I can see the possibility that the new behavior could be useful in some (rare?) circumstances, I'd argue that for most cases, not using the filename as the target seems to somewhat defeat the purpose of having the feature in the first place. In other words, the only time I need the feature is when I'm _not_ sorting by filename, which is exactly when the feature _doesn't_ work! :^O As a fellow LUG member mentioned when I asked about this, he thinks that the old behavior better fits the "Law of Least Surprise" (and I agree), so I'm rather curious -- is there anyone who finds this new behavior more useful? More importantly, is there any chance that the old behavior could be restored for newer versions of KDE? Thanks in advance for any input/advice anyone has on this topic.... Bill Marr