On Wednesday 03 November 2004 15:13, Zack Rusin wrote: > On Wednesday 03 November 2004 05:46, Frans Englich wrote: > > Hello, > > > > I have a blatant wondering about the plans of implementing two > > features, namely client side rendering of XML with CSS[1] and > > XSLT[2]. For a web-project of mine, it could be good to know the > > time-scales in rough terms, in case anyone have it in plans. > > We support CSS in XML. > > > 1. > > http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=88821 > > Without a testcase I'm assuming this is about xhtml processing. Next > time before adding nonsense to a bugreport try to test it. Ok, perhaps khtml support xml-stylesheet in XML as long as it is XHTML? When I visit: http://www.badgers-in-foil.co.uk/projects/docbook-css/LDP-Author-Guide/ldp-author-guide-concat.xml with Firefox it is rendered, while Konqueror asks for it to be saved. The document is styled XML, but the cause to it not being rendered, is perhaps another, unrelated topic. But right, the bug report was about CSS/XHTML, as opposed to CSS/XML. However, what the two cases have in common(the faulty bug report and the link avove) is they specify the CSS via xml-stlesheet processing instruction, AFAICT. Cheers, Frans