On Wednesday 03 November 2004 05:46, Frans Englich wrote: > Hello, > > I have a blatant wondering about the plans of implementing two > features, namely client side rendering of XML with CSS[1] and > XSLT[2]. For a web-project of mine, it could be good to know the > time-scales in rough terms, in case anyone have it in plans. We support CSS in XML. > 1. > http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=88821 Without a testcase I'm assuming this is about xhtml processing. Next time before adding nonsense to a bugreport try to test it. > 2. > http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55420 XPath is already in kdenonbeta. It requires DOM2 traversal patches which I have locally. Once XPath is finished we can start implementing XSLT. Zack -- I considered atheism but there weren't enough holidays.