On Wednesday 03 November 2004 11:46, Frans Englich wrote: > Hello, > > I have a blatant wondering about the plans of implementing two features, > namely client side rendering of XML with CSS[1] and XSLT[2]. For a > web-project of mine, it could be good to know the time-scales in rough > terms, in case anyone have it in plans. > > While CSS rendering seems to me easiest, combining existing code, XSLT > looks like a horror since no C++ XSLT stack is available, not even at far > sight(right?). Perhaps one could use libxml/xslt's C++ bindings?[3] Those > libs are at least popular, the fastest around, and feature rich. > > > Absence of Patch, Ramblings, & Greetings, Hi Frans, i'm planning to add libxslt support in kdom, as we already have a libxml based parsing backend. Transforming an xml doc using xslt & kdom should be fairly easy to code, the problems raise when we want to xslt transform an in-memory kdom tree. That would need a full conversion to libxml based memory structures - of course that's slow - but AFAIK the WebCore people actually try the same, at the moment.. Though I haven't find any code about that on the web, maybe someone else had more luck? Dave Hyatt wrote about that in August.. http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/hyatt/archives/2004_08.html#006219 (Though I'm busy atm with exams, by the 20. Nov I should have time again...) Bye Bye Niko