Le Sunday 10 October 2004 01:46, Roger Larsson a écrit : > http://www.anandtech.com/mac/showdoc.aspx?i=2232&p=13 > > He complains alot about speed... > And Konqueror on Linux is even slower! > > I think that IE caches really agressive - I have seen that at work when > interfacing to dynamically generated webpages. > > /RogerL Hi, Quote from the article : "I've been a die-hard IE user ever since IE4 and have always appreciated its rendering speed and enjoyed its compatibility with the majority of websites out there". Anybody can explain him than it is not IE which is compatible with the majority of webistes out there but the majority of websites out there which is optimized for IE ? :) Konqueror is perhaps very slow because the Rellinks plugins is installed ? If you want to understand read my comment of 2004-10-08 in http://shift.freezope.org/konq_rellinks/ Sorry again for the bug :) Franck (Shift)