-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Wednesday 27 March 2002 1:34 pm, George Staikos wrote: > on www.faqs.org under the comp.lang.c faq, there are some serious rendering > issues. The page looks ok, but it seems to take a rediculously long time > to show, and if I move the mouse over a link in the frame, the cpu usage of > khtml goes to 100% for about 5-10 seconds. It does something so absurd > that I can hear noise over my sound card while it does this (yes the > shielding is bad). > > http://www.faqs.org/faqs/C-faq/faq/ is the frame I see this (the hover-over-link-spike), just not as badly. Of couse, I have 512Megs of ram, so that may be the difference. For the initial "show time", it seems to take about 40 seconds, even coming from cache (disk cache set to 2Meg) on a PIII-733 (with the aformentioned 512Megs). That's kinda a long time :-) For comparasion, same computer, netscape 4.77 takes around 2 seconds from click to show (not cached). IE5 takes about the same time (through citrix). In summary, this is definetly a problem :-) All konq. results using cvs updated today. - -- D.A.Bishop -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE8ojmIEHLN/FXAbC0RAnmwAJ49gW+MupaiymDyygLU2D6Gkur5qgCgkhi6 hxCT6BUJa/4bOnDInZLJhu0= =GwZA -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----